Share Your Art News with Artsbridge!

Looking to showcase your upcoming exhibit, introduce a new gallery space, or promote your art classes? Artsbridge provides a platform for fellow members to share their exciting art news.

Simply email us with photos, a flyer, and the details you want to broadcast. Our team will review your submission, and if approved, we'll feature your news here within 7-15 calendar days.

Don't miss this opportunity to reach a wider audience within our vibrant Artsbridge community. Let your creativity shine through - share your art news with us today!

Annual Members Art Show Gallery will be opening on June 7, 2024 from 7-10pm. Active members can apply and submit works. The show presents both professional and emerging artists, highlighting our commitment to fostering a community of support for artists of all levels. Opening is free for members, guests are asked for a $10 donation. Save the date!

Artsbridge Members, Matt DeProspero & Christine Seo, along with Daniel Michael Sierchio, will be showcasing their artwork in a six-month exhibition at Ficus Bon Vivant in Princeton, starting June 3rd. Join us for "Capture the Rhythm" to celebrate these talented artists and delve into their backgrounds and inspirations. The event promises to bring together art enthusiasts and artists in a vibrant atmosphere, complete with delicious bites provided by Ficus.